Oskido returns to school to keep up with fast-changing world

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About SowetanLIVE
SowetanLIVE, published by Arena Holdings (formerly Tiso Blackstar Group) in Johannesburg, is the website of the Sowetan, the English-language South African daily newspaper that started in 1981 as a liberation struggle publication and which serves a proudly South African readership who have earned the right to be in the know and on the move. Nwabisa Makunga is now the editor of the newspaper.
The website carries content from the print edition of the Sowetan along with unique online-only content throughout the day, all week long – general and political news; entertainment and celebrities; soccer and other sport; and much more. It is one of South Africa's largest online news publications, with more than 1.5-million readers per month who spend on average nearly five minutes on each article.
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